What is the Technology Behind Live Stream Videos?

It was like yesterday when YouTube launched out and followed by many other streaming platforms. The contents on the internet are gradually moving from the writing and pictures trend to the full video activities.
Technology Behind Live Stream
Most times it is usually comprised of live videos, where each event can be aired to viewers all over the internet. It is therefore important to know the technology behind this growing internet trend because, in few years to come, the larger percentage of contents on the internet will be plainly videos. The first and most important knowledge to have about live streaming processes is the advent of the compression technology.

The increase in development of compression software makes it possible to watch the same video quality at lower bitrates. This algorithm trades bandwidth for computation power, and most of this is done at the encoder and decoder ends. In live videos or streaming generally, viewers prefer the ability to view the content in a speedy way and not in a skipping format that takes away the whole enjoyment, thus, UDP is used instead of TCP.

TCP is the internet technology that carries the full details of a content, but UDP has the speed but low overhead which makes it have fewer details but higher speed. When it comes to videos, we appear to assume some pixels even when they're not clear enough. This has made the videos to be more visual and enjoyable even on a low network connection.

The last point to consider is the segmenter technology, this piece of technology breaks up the videos into smaller parts that can be fixed together later but can be accessed at that particular moment. This makes it smaller and easy to be accessed in kilobytes by the network. There are many more underneath technologies that make video live streaming a possibility, but these are few out of the pool of developments made.

What is the Technology Behind Live Stream Videos? What is the Technology Behind Live Stream Videos?  Reviewed by Wilson on 04:09 Rating: 5

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